Photographe reporter depuis plus de 30 ans. Elle est née à Périgueux en Dordogne. Aujourd'hui, elle vit et travaille à Marseille.

Son parcours est atypique dans le journalisme puisqu'elle vient de la presse spécialisée sous-marine. Spécialiste de la plongée profonde en apnée, elle réalisa pour Canal + en tant que co réalisatrice d’Alain Trellu : "Jacques le dauphin", documentaire sur Jacques Mayol et l'apnée dans le monde ; un autre film pour la télévision italienne, "Pello", premier documentaire tourné sur Umberto Pelizzari, recordman mondial d'apnée profonde en 1991.

En tant que photographe, et journaliste, Judith Martin-Razi a travaillé pour les revues Océans, Subaqua, et pour les Agences photographiques : Sygma, Keystone, Jacana, Sipa Press, Rapho et Press Impact.


Son rapport à l'image est viscéral tout comme l'écriture. En fait Judith dit : "Sans appareil photographique, je suis aveugle, et, sans crayon, je suis muette". Son oeuvre photographique représente un fonds immense de documents sous forme de témoignages, d'évènements, de réflexions et d'études. En tant que photographe de presse, elle a couvert une grande partie du globe. Son oeil de reporter traque toujours l'insolite, la fragilité ou la violence de l'humanité, l'humour ou l'instant magique d'une lumière ou d'un reflet.


C’est aussi une féministe engagée dans les associations depuis 1998 à son retour en France. Elle a été Présidente du CODIF, et elle participe toujours son action militante au sein du Collectif 13 DDF et d’associations telles que Unisavie, et la CADAC à Paris.


Judith Martin-Razi has been a photographer and journalist for more than 30 years. She was born on January 6, 1948 in Périgeux in Dordogne ( France ). She lives in Marseilles and writes a regular column “ Glances of Women ” in the daily newspaper “La Marseillaise”. She also works as freelance photograph and jounalist for various magazines.

Her writing career is atypical for a journalist. She began her career writing extensively of submarine life. A specialist in deep sea diving, she co-directed two documentaries. One was for a channel "Canal +", "Jacques The Dolphin", a documentary about Jacques Mayol and deep sea diving. Another made in 1991 for Italian Television "Pello". This was the first film made about Umberto Pelizzari, a world record holder of deep sea diving.

As a photographer, Judith Martin-Razi has worked for the magazines "Océans", "Subaqua" and for photographic agencies such as Sygma, Keystone, Jacana, Sipa Press, Rapho and Press Impact.

In 2001, she showed her work at a large exhibition in the Regional Council of "PACA" ( Provence, Alpes, Côte d’Azur ) where 150 photographs were presented for the public under the title "Militant". This exhibit gave a dimension of an impassioned and engaged photographer who put in image the fight of her feminist comrades, trade unionists and "sans-papières" (illegal immigrants) to record forever their struggle for a better and leveling world.

Her photographic work includes "Shades of Kabul" (Afganistan), "Women of Kigali and the Large Lakes" (Rwanda), "Dalits in Orissa" (India), "The Militants of the World March of the Women, Marseilles, Paris, New York", "Marseillaises against the Extrême Droite", and many other series.

Her connection with the photographic image is visceral just like her writing. In fact, Judith says: "Without a camera, I am blind and, without a pencil, I am dumb". Her photographic work represents an immense array of documents in the form of testimonies, events, reflections and studies. As a press photographer, she has covered most of the sphere. As a reporter, her eyes are attracted by the unusual, the brittleness or the violence of humanity, the humor or the magic moment of a light or of a reflection.


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© Judith Martin-Razi